User Agreement

This Agreement shall govern relations on the use of the site (hereinafter referred to as the "Site"), between the Owner of the site (hereinafter referred to as the "Owner") and an individual (hereinafter referred to as the "User").

The user's registration on the Web-site confirms their consent to this Agreement.

1. By registering on the Site, the User confirms their accession to this Agreement and:
1.1 Confirms that their age is over 18
1.2 Confirms that they have read the terms of this Agreement
1.3 Agrees to indicate their real age and photographs (if added) and not impersonate another person.
1.4 Confirms that they are solely responsible for the content of the materials published on the Site, as well as for the privacy and data security needed for their authorization.
1.5 Confirms that they are aware that the Site may contain materials that are targeted only to adult users.
1.6 Agrees to use the Site in accordance with the existing and applicable legislation in this area.
1.7 Undertakes not to publish e-mail addresses, email addresses, phone numbers, links and other contact information on open access (the restrictions above do not apply to your private correspondence via the website).
1.8 Undertakes not to publish obscenities, calumnies, insults, pornography or other immoral content, as well as the content that demonstrates or promotes violence, cruelty or terror; the content, which is an offence to human dignity and other materials that do not comply with the law - in the profile and in the chat, as text, photos and videos.
1.9 Undertakes not to harass or persecute other Users, not to deceive them or molest them, not to seek contact with other Users in the event that they perform actions that clearly indicate their unwillingness to come into contact, not to engage in procuring.
1.10 Undertakes not to try without the consent of the owner to enter into transactions or engage other Users in transactions in relation to any works or services, as well as goods, not to use the site for the distribution of advertising materials or illegal propaganda materials, not to distribute information that could inflict harm to the Site or the Owner.
1.11 Transfers to the owner the exclusive right to distribute, reproduce, translate and edit, as well as to communicate materials added by the user on the Site or transferred to the Owner in any other way, cable, wire or by other similar means, in such a way that any person can access it online from any place and at any time of their choice (the right of making available to the public).
1.12 Agrees to occasionally receive notifications by e-mail, SMS and push messages relating to his/her profile and activity on the Site, including promotional materials. The User may select communication channels and types of notifications in the settings of his/her profile. The user understands that after unsubscribing from certain channels and / or after having the profile deleted, it may take up to 10 days before the respective notifications are completely stopped.
1.13 Understands that some of the messages that he/she receives from other Users can be sent by them in the form of automatic and / or mass messaging to recipients who match their search criteria.
1.14 Undertakes not to register more than one profile.

2. The Owner reserves the right to:
2.1 Update the Site at his own discretion.
2.2 Provide free and paid services to Users (hereinafter referred to as the "Services").
2.3 Request documents (passport/driving license) in case of doubt about the reliability of the User’s data
2.4 Refuse to provide services to Users without giving a reason.
2.5 Make changes to this Agreement unilaterally.
2.6 Change the types and cost of Services, as well as the terms of their validity without prior warning to the Users of the Site (in particular, within the price index linkage).
2.7 Remove or edit content posted by the User on the Site, in case it does not comply with the terms of this Agreement, harms the Owner or third parties.
2.8 Use the User's personal data, as well as materials published by the User on the Site which are accessible to public, in particular, for the purpose of developing of promotional material, posting materials on the websites of the Owner's partners and for other purposes.
2.9 Transfer the rights, acquired from the User under this Agreement, to third parties for the purposes related to the performance of this Agreement without the additional consent of the User.
2.10 Use the profile data and correspondence of the User for legal defense, in the event of laying (or threat of laying) an action by the User or his representative in court against the Owner.
2.11 Send notifications and advertisements to the User by e-mail, SMS or push notifications.

3. The Owner assumes no liability for:
3.1 Any damage, harm, loss of information or for infliction of any other losses to any person that arose while using the Services of the Site, including the use of mobile communications and other means of telecommunications.
3.2 The authenticity, content and accuracy of the materials published by Users.
3.3 The violation of the copyright by the User, as well as other rights of third parties by publishing materials that do not comply with current legislation (including copyright), posted by the User on the Site or transferred to the Owner in any other way.
3.4 The Owner cannot guarantee that the User will receive a response to his/her messages sent on the Site to other Users.

4. The Owner undertakes to:
4.1 Сheck manually or automatically all photos, video and audio materials uploaded by Users in order to filter inappropriate content. (This paragraph refers to data in the profile that is publicly available to other Users. Private messages are not subject to moderation).
4.2 Provide the Users with a mechanism for submitting a complaint about inappropriate content and / or conduct of other Users (the "Complain" option in the profile and / or in the Chat on the Site and Application).
4.3 Provide the Users with a mechanism for blocking other Users (the "Block" option in the profile and / or in the Chat on the Site and Application).
4.4 Remove inappropriate content that has received complaints, as well as to take active actions against Users who have violated this Agreement, subject to the reliability of the complaint.

5. Paid Services:
5.1 Registration on the Site is free and creating a profile is free of charge.
5.2  An active  subscription is required to communicate on the Site.
5.3 Some of the subscription payment methods imply automatic renewal of the subscription.
5.4 There are additional (optional) paid Services on the Site, such as: "Bouncing up Boosting a profile", "Highlighting a profile", etc.
5.5  The user may choose one of the following payment methods: by banking credit? card, through PayPal, through bank transfer / postal money order, through the mobile applications of the Site, as well as through the electronic money.
5.6 In the event of a problem with payment, the User can contact the support service of the Site by any of the following: through the contact form, through the live chat, by email.

6. Cancellation of Services:

If the User is interested in cancelling the subscription during  its validity, they can do this by one of the several means:

6.1 Access the profile on the Site, go to the "My Settings" page and cancel automatic renewal of the subscription (if there is one) for those payment methods that support it.
6.2 The User can contact customer support and ask to cancel the renewal of the subscription (if there is one). The order to stop payment will be executed within three working days from the receipt of the request that contains all the necessary payment identification data.
6.3 Warning! It is the liability of the User to ensure that all automatic payments are cancelled.

7. Deleting a profile:
In the event when the User has an incentive to delete their profile, they can do this by one of the several means:
7.1 Go to the "My Settings" page on the Site and delete the profile.
7.2 Contact customer support and request to delete the profile. The request will be executed within three working days from the receipt of the request that contains all the necessary identification data.
7.3 Attention! Deleting the profile is no guarantee of stopping the automatic payments for the subscription, since not all payment service providers afford an opportunity to the Owner to cancel the payment order given by the User. Therefore, it is the User's liability to ensure that all automatic payments are cancelled.

8. Refund Policy:

8.1 Since the User gets an instant opportunity to come in contact with other Users of the Site after paying for the subscription, the partial or full refund of the subscription payment is not possible. Notwithstanding, the Owner reserves the right to make refunds at his sole discretion.

9. Judicial field

Any dispute regarding the use of the Services of the Site between the User and the Owner will be handled in the city of registration of the Site Owner's Company. No other courts will have the authority to deal with disputes.


Only real users can use this search option.
Wait until your profile is verified by a moderator, after that you will be able to get the status of a Real user

If you have any questions about the moderation of your profile, you can contact the site support service
Only Real users can write to Real users.
Wait for your profile to be verified by a moderator,
after that you will be able to get the status of a Real user
If you have any questions about the moderation of your profile, you can contact the site support team.
To do this you need to be VIP!
Make a complain
Post a photo